Possums Pollytics

Politics, elections and piffle plinking

Comments Help

A Big thanks to Aspirational Aspirationalist for a quick tutorial on how to embed links, make words bold, block quote and a few other things – it’s the first comment below.

So if you need to practice or whatnot – just whack it in below.

Also remember to replace the “[” with “<” and the “]” with “>”

24 Responses to “Comments Help”

  1. Aspirational Aspirationalist said

    Final Draft.
    An Introduction to the XHTML tags.

    Tags covered.
    Anchor (weblinks)

    Note: to make what was typed visible to the user, [ is used instead of Less than and ] instead of Greater than

    Anchor (Weblinks)

    I found Downers leadership position interesting

    Was typed as

    I found [a href=”http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/11/26/2101876.htm”]Downers[/a] leadership position interesting

    You can add a title so that some text is displayed when the mouse hovers over the link.

    I found Downers leadership position interesting

    Was typed as

    I found [a href=”http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/11/26/2101876.htm” title=”Downer on ABC”]Downers[/a] leadership position interesting

    Bold, Italics, and Strikethrough

    To make text appear as bold, it needs to be preceded by the b tag and finished with a /b tag.

    For example
    I want This word bold.

    Was typed as
    I want [b]This [/b] word bold.

    The same can be done using italics

    For example
    I want This word italicised.

    Was typed as
    I want [i]This [/i] word italicised.

    And Strikethrough

    For example
    It was a victory for Liberal Labor on Saturday.

    Was typed as
    It was a victory for [strike]Liberal[/strike] Labor on Saturday.

    Block Quoting
    Possum comitatus said

    The day has finally arrived. After months of campaigning that felt like years, after the 100 odd pieces of

    polling analysed, the rumours, the research, the tips and the leaks – in 12 hours time Australia will have a new Prime Minister.

    and he was right

    Possum comitatus said [blockquote] The day has finally arrived. After months of campaigning that felt like years, after the 100 odd pieces of

    polling analysed, the rumours, the research, the tips and the leaks – in 12 hours time Australia will have a new Prime Minister.
    [/blockquote] and he was right

  2. Aspirational Aspirationalist said

    Also, if you want to get more complicated, you can make something both bold and italicised.

    Also, if you want to get more complicated, you can make [b][i]something [/i][/b] both bold and italicised.

    But you need to make sure you end the last tag first, in this case was the italics.

  3. Cat said

    I [b]want a decent country [/b] but I will settle for [i] one less reactionary [/i] to start with.

  4. Cat said


  5. misanthrope said

    cat said


  6. misanthrope said


  7. Aspirational Aspirationalist said


    You missed my not above.

    Note: to make what was typed visible to the user, [ is used instead of Less than and ] instead of Greater than

    If you typed:-
    I [b]want a decent country [/b] but I will settle for [i] one less reactionary [/i] to start with.

    again and replaced the
    [‘s with ‘s

    it will turn out perfect.

  8. Aspirational Aspirationalist said

    Bugger, Replace:-
    [‘s with Less than symbols, and ]’s with greaterthan symbols.

  9. Cat said

    I want a decent country but I will settle for one less reactionary to start with

  10. Cat said

    Ahh that is better.

  11. *Applauds*

    Very useful.

  12. Don said

    Is it possible for an ordinary poster to put in their own little signature graphic, as poss has?

    Which probably translates as, is there a profile page somewhere? I looked but I’m blowed if I can find one.

  13. Possum Comitatus said

    It is possible Don and there’s two ways it can be done.

    Firstly, if you have a free wordpress.com blog, then your avatar that you have in the profile of that blog will follow you around the wordpress universe whenever you post a comment on a wordpress.com blog – as long as you sign into your wordpress.com account first.

    Secondly, if you head over to here:

    And get yourself a free account, you can link an avatar to an email address, so when when you post comments here using that email address, the avatar will show up. WordPress.com own gravatar.com now so it should work easily. A lot of blogs elsewhere in the blogging universe accept gravatar as well if they have the plug-in, so you should be able to use that avatar in a whole lot of places wherever you comment.

  14. Don said

    Thanks very much Poss. I got the account, and uploaded an image.

    They said it would be an 80×80, but I presume your software makes that into the 32 x 32 that appears here?

    I’ll see if a graphic appears after this comment.


  15. Don said

    Hmmm, takes about five days to show up.

    But it then appears in all posts!

  16. Grumps said

    [b] I want [/b] to try [i] this [/i] after my last [b][i] failed attempt {/b][/i]

  17. Grumps said

    [b]I want[/b] to try [i]this[/i] after my last [b][i]failed attempt[/i][/b]

  18. Grumps said

    [b]I want [/b] to try [i]this [/i] after my last [b][i]failed attempt [/i][/b]

  19. Grumps said

    I am a stupid, silly old bugger that failed to read instructions

  20. Grumps said

    Good it works !!!!!!!! I learnt something.

    Now for an avatar, anyone got a good picture of Victor Meldrew

  21. manageless chordotomy systematical amphipeptone samoyed reswill triangulopyramidal gibberose
    Pinsent/Cracknell’s midstream move

  22. Spam inbox said


  23. Cialis said

    gQfMST Thank you for the material. Do you mind if I posted it in her blog, of course, with reference to your site?

  24. Jerry Vilhotti said

    Hello! The guy is your Hitler – enjoy!  JerDot

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